Tired of reading, making, creating web site..but until now not generating any money from your web ?. I think lets try the smart way of making money.
Let see what Bill Gates are doing...yes..He hire a lot of expert in computer to work from him. That is his realy secret of making billions of dollar every year!.
So how can we copy he did ?. Here I revealed the secret !. Ask some expert do it for your !. Let your money works for you. Today I have found a group of people that will build a web site that can generate money for you.
This program call Internet Business Ownership Program (IBOP).
IBOP is a program that let you be the "OWNER" of the internet business rather than being the internet business worker that do all the work and technical things. As the "OWNER" you will gain a monthly residual income based on your internet business performance.
This is what Robert Kiyosaki say in his book Cashflow Quadrant - you need to be on the right side of the EBSI diagram that is to be in the "I" and "B" quadrant (Refer to EBSI Diagram below). Which is the "B" that is the business owner. The different between the Business Owner and the Self Employed is the Business Owner can go for vacation and still earn an income while the Self Employed do not.
So this is our objective to create more business owner and let them earn income while they sleep, eat and enjoy. With this program the Owner owned not only a own a Website but a fully autopilot business, which will give the Owner a source of income revenue. The owner also will be able to sell the website after minimum a year to another person and get paid for it. It is just like a REAL ESTATE but it is a Virtual Real Estate - owning a valuable website that can be sold and profit at the same time. This the place where you can build your ONLINE ASSET - owning Virtual Real Estate.
IBOP is the shortcuts to making money on the net today..so grap it now..